Policies and Regulations
Make the best use of the services offered to everyone, in accordance with the Library’s guidelines

Accessing and using Library
Everyone has the right to enter and use the Library by accepting its regulations and registering as member.
- Member registration is carried out according to the procedure described in the following section "Member registration".
- By registering with the Library, each interested party acquires a membership card with a special code, which provides access to its premises and services.
The Library is located on the first floor of the Foundation building and access to its entrance is via an internal staircase.
For disabled visitors an elevator is available. Instructions are posted and provided by the staff at the entrance of the Foundation.
All areas of the Foundation are accessible to all visitors.
Member registration
To become a member of the Library one must accept the Library’s regulations and be listed on the members’ registry by showing a valid identification document. The one-year membership card must be carried at all times on the Foundation premises.
For underage readers without ID, registration is possible with the identification document of the parent or guardian.
Members / Users of the Library-their rights and obligations
A. The printed and digital collections of the Library are available to its members for use within its premises. In addition:
- Printed books are available for lending.
- The lending service excludes periodicals, reference books (such as encyclopedias, dictionaries), series volumes, rare editions, as well as such printed material clearly marked with a yellow sticker.
- For the majority of digital material, remote access is also available. More information is provided by the Library staff.
B. The Library provides its members with the possibility of creating an account from its Online Catalogue (OPAC), which offers them many additional possibilities such as to:
- Communicate with the Library (e.g. make suggestions for purchasing material to enrich its collection)
- Receive updates and messages from the staff of the Library.
- Inform about his/her contact details in case they change.
- Check his/her current loans.
- Renew the loan period of borrowed material in accordance with the Library's regulations.
- View his/her borrowing history
- Reserve borrowed books
- Create lists of preferred material
- Create tags and evaluates the material
C. Computer use: the computers installed in the Library's premises provide to all interested parties the possibility of free access to the Internet, through the wireless network EugenWiFi and based on its terms of use, to all its electronic resources, as well as to various computer programs such as: word processor, spreadsheet, presentation creator. In addition to the computers provided in the Library, visitors can also access the wireless network in any area of the Library, via their own laptops.
With the ultimate goal of ensuring that disabled people have equal access to all printed and electronic information in the Library, the Foundation has provided a range of accessibility products to equip two workstations installed in the Library. These stations allow disabled people to use workstation computers and to have access to the Library’s collections and the Internet.
The categories of disabled people that are supported are: visually impaired people, people with mobility impairment (mainly in the upper limbs or quadriplegia) and people with visual impairment (e.g. dyslexia).
D. For the smooth operation of the Library, readers are requested to refrain from repositioning periodicals and books on the shelves and to leave them on the reading room tables or at the “Information and Lending Desk”.
E. Visitors should also be aware that:
- They are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal belongings, as well as having the obligation to protect the Library's printed and non-printed materials, to keep the rooms clean, as well as to ensure that the Reading Room is kept quiet.
- When entering the library, they must put their cell phone in silent mode.
- Pets are not allowed in the library. Only guide dogs accompanying people with disabilities are allowed access.
- Taking photos and posting them is their responsibility.
- Eating and drinking are not allowed in the Library. Visitors can visit the cafeteria, located on the ground floor of the building.
- Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the Eugenides Foundation.
Lending of books
Each member can borrow up to two books, free of charge, for a period of 15 days, which can be renewed [by phone] for an extra 15 days, provided that the books have not been reserved by another member.
Books that have already been lent can be reserved on a priority basis. All reserved books returned to the Library are held for a total of 3 working days from the time of notification of the member.
Readers who unreasonably delay the return of books beyond the specified time, and after relevant notifications (telephone and email), are deprived of the right to borrow. The Foundation, at its discretion, may impose a fine per day of delay and shall withhold any other legal rights.
If a book is lost or returned by the user in poor condition (torn, soiled or wet), it is the user’s responsibility to replace it. If the item in question is out of print and/or cannot be found on the market, it is the user’s responsibility to supply the Library with a new title on the same subject and of equal value as indicated by the Library.
Important clarifications on the lending service
The new integrated radio frequency system (RFID) installed in the Library includes, among other things, a self-service station for readers. At this station, members can easily, by scanning their personal membership card, borrow, renew or return books that have been borrowed, as well as view their Library account (how many and which books they have borrowed and if there are any charges for late returns).
Therefore, borrowing, renewing loans and returning books can be done either through the staff at the Information and Lending Desk, or through the reader self-service station.
In addition, the loan renewal can be done online, remotely, through the "My Account" Service, described above.
The enrichment of the collections is done by purchases, subscriptions and donations. Readers can suggest material, for which the final purchase decision is made by the relevant committee of the Foundation.
The Library accepts donations provided that the material:
- Belongs to the subject categories it covers
- Is in good condition
- Has informational and/or informative value
The donor concerned, prior to delivery, has submitted a list for consideration of the material he/she intends to donate.
Donations that do not serve the needs of the Library may be made available to other institutions.
The material that comes from donations is stamped with the name of the donor and is incorporated into the collection.
Bibliographic records of all Library material are searchable from its online catalogue (OPAC) through the Foundation's website.
The Library's journal catalogue is also searchable through the National Union Catalogue of Scientific Journals, since the Library is a member of the National Network of Science and Technology Libraries.
This Catalogue enables interested parties to locate which Greek library holds a journal, as well as to view the entire collection of a library from those participating in the Catalogue.
In the Library there is available to the public a photocopy machine, which also operates as a scanner, for a limited number of photocopies - scanning.
Small-scale photocopying/scanning, e.g. a few pages, is permitted exclusively for personal study or research, or to meet educational needs. In any case photocopying should comply with the restrictive terms of copyright laws in force.
The Eugenides Foundation reserves the right to modify the contents or services of the Library, as well as the terms of use, policies and this regulation, whenever necessary and without prior notice. We encourage you to regularly check the Foundation's website and other post points to see any updates.