Maritime Publications
Publication of 173 textbooks for students of Merchant Marine Schools and Academies
Since the publication of the first textbook (1967), to date 173 textbooks have been written and published for use by the students of Merchant Marine Schools and Academies.

The ‘Seafarer’s Library’, the name under which the Eugenides Foundation’s series of maritime textbooks are published, is comprised of 27 titles for use by students of the public Merchant Marine Schools [DSEN], 42 for higher education public Merchant Marine Schools [ADSEN], 69 for Merchant Marine Academies [AEN], 19 on board training record books and 16 translations of seafarers’ manuals. The ‘Library’ also includes other research publications and conference papers on maritime education.
The writing and publishing of textbooks for AEN students continues without interruption until today, adhering to the needs of current curricula.
The responsibility for selecting the authors and ensuring scientific and pedagogical thoroughness lies with the Eugenides Foundation’s Publications Committee. The Committee consists of the pertinent Director for Maritime Education of the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy and the Textbook Section Manager of the Directorate of Maritime Education, as well as two representatives from the Eugenides Foundation.
The editing of the books is carried out by the philologists of the Foundation’s Publishing Team, while the Foundation is also responsible for the design of the books.
More information on the Eugenides Foundation’s maritime publications may be found here: Maritime Publications
All of our maritime publications are freely available in PDF format in Greek at: Seafarer’s Library