
“Meta-Scientific Literacies in the (Mis-) Information Age”, Erasmus+ (KA2)

The Eugenides Foundation Library participates as partner in the project “Meta-Scientific Literacies in the (Mis-) Information Age”, a new ERASMUS+ Teacher Academy project, that falls within the Key Action 2 – Skills and Innovation. The main objective of the project is to provide teachers with the necessary competencies and skills to empower secondary school students to act as competent effective democratic citizens in a (digital) world flooded by scientific mis-, dis-, and malinformation. The 3-year project, coordinated by the University of Innsbruck, commenced on 1st June 2023 and will end in May 2026.

The SciLMi Teacher Academy will develop, pilot and evaluate cross-disciplinary blended intensive mobility programs and training (BIP, BITs) for pre-and in-service teachers. It will provide the required transversal competencies, digital skills, and inclusive teaching strategies to educate the future generation to critically engage with socio-scientific issues, and to research and evaluate scientific claims and arguments for decision-making and action. The BIP and BITs participants will be guided to compose lesson plans that encourage teachers to incorporate SciLMi skills into their day-to-day teaching practice.

The SciLMi Teacher Academy will build a pan-European Hub consisting of initial and continuous education providers, schools, teacher associations, education authorities, foundations, NGOs, libraries, science centers, etc. The network will be involved in the process and will facilitate the integration of meta-scientific literacy skills into the education systems across Europe.

The SciLMi Teacher Academy comprises 6 Universities, 1 Research Institute, 1 Foundation Library,1 Foundation Education Programme, and 1 NGO, which represent the following division of roles in the project:

5 Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Providers:

-UIBK - University of Innsbruck (Austria)

-UNIC - University of Nicosia (Cyprus)

-USC - Universidad de Sandiago de Compostell (Spain)

-NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

-OSLOMET - Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway)

4 Continuing Professional Development for Teachers (CPD) Providers:

-EDUNET - EduNet Europe (Germany)

-UP - Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic)

-EF – Eugenides Foundation (Greece)

-FB - Faktabaari (Finland)

1 Research Institute:

-HÉTFA (Hungary)

In addition, a number of school networks and (training) schools, universities, colleges of education, education authorities, research centers, CPD providers, science centers, foundations, and NGOs active in the education are participating in the project as associated partners and as founding Hub members.

For further information please visit the project website:


Mrs. Hara Bridensi, Head of Library, email:

Mrs. Christina Troumpetari, Head of EU projects, email:

