Video and quiz
Get informed and have fun with the Library's videos and quizzes

On our webpages you will find informative videos and fun quizzes (in Greek) that will help you get to know better:
- Basic general issues of searching, identifying and evaluating information.
- The features and services offered from the Online catalogue.
- The collections of our Library.
Various ways to search and access the publications of the Eugenides Foundation on its website
Most of the publications of the Foundation are offered online, in pdf format, freely available to the public. Searching and locating them on the Foundation's website can be done in several ways, depending on the data available to each interested party.
The video presents, through selected examples, three ways of searching the books written and published by the Eugenides Foundation over the years:
- From the “Search” option on the homepage.
- By browsing the Libraries-Series on the Publications web page.
- Exploiting the multiple search options of the Online catalogue (OPAC) of the Library.
Information Assessment
The modern era is characterised by an overabundance of printed and electronic information, but not all of it is valid and reliable.
For the extremely interesting and useful issues of identifying the appropriate information and evaluating it, the Eugenides Foundation Library has created a series of videos in order to familiarize and educate its readers.
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) - Simple search
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) - Advanced Search
Video illustrative of Advanced Search and a wealth of helpful features, such as the use of logic (Boolean) operators, the “Refine your search” menu and the impressive display of “Virtual shelf browsing”.
Video: my OPAC personal profile management
This video presents the numerous possibilities offered to the reader who creates a personal profile through the "My Account" menu.
If, so far, the above videos have succeeded in informing you about all the features of OPAC, now you are ready to discover it yourself, having fun with the quizzes prepared by the Library!
QUIZ: Discover the maritime collection of our Library
QUIZ: Discover our collection for youth
QUIZ: Discover Physics and Astronomy in our Library
QUIZ: Discover the new OPAC Library (Level 1)
QUIZ: Discover the new OPAC of the Library (Level 2)
QUIZ: Discover the new OPAC of the Library (Level 3)
For more videos offered by the Library you can visit its section on the Foundation's YouTube channel.