The students observe the basic cell features and relate a certain structure with a specific function.

How do different tissues look under a microscope? Can we fool our senses? Is it possible for music to affect our taste? We answer these questions and many more in an interesting and interactive way.

Fundamental biology phenomena and principles are demonstrated before the students’ eyes. We observe and compare cell structures, biological systems and organisms. We study basic human anatomy systems and associate cell structure with cell function. Methodologies concerning the identification of specific elements are discussed, and the concepts of energy and respiration are introduced.

Topics Covered

1. The cell – structure and function.
2. Observation of tissue cells under the microscope.
3. Digestive system – biomolecule structure.
4. Food components (*Lyceum).
5. Cardiovascular system – blood types (*Lyceum).
6. Respiration and energy production.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction to the correlation between cell structure and cell function.
  • Demonstration of complex concepts in a simple, interesting and fun way.
  • Connection to everyday life.
