Α winter story unlike any other!

During the past three months, Lambrini Paschalidi was looking forward to the Easter vacation and holidays. Her plan was to go to her village and visit her grandmother. Her grandmother had adopted a little sheep the year before. They named the sheep Ister. Lambrini wanted to see how much Ister had grown. As soon as she arrived, she ran straight to the stable with a big enthusiasm to find the sheep. But Ister was missing. She looked around but couldn't find her anywhere! What happened? Where did Ister go?

Questo, our virtual assistant, is ready to help you and your team find the solution! All you need to do is to find the secret code. Pay attention to the cryptography algorithms and decrypt messages correctly. Find the answer hidden behind each riddle, collect all the clues and try to find the secret code that Questo asks you, to reveal the continuation and end of the story.

Now that you know how the story of Ister goes, you will learn and create a 2D animation video, giving life to all the characters of Lambrini’s and Ister’s story using a little extra imagination. At the end you will present the video to all the other participants. Are you ready?

The workshop is conducted in the Greek language.
